The 58th California State Athletic Directors Conference will beheld April 9-13, 2025, at the Peppermill in Reno, Nevada.

CSADA’s 2025 Conference Registration opens October 14, 2024.
Join us at the Peppermill Resort in Reno, Nevada, April 9 -April 13, 2025.

You must be a CSADA member to register and attend the conference.  Follow these directions to register:

Go to your account @ or use your QR code on your membership card.  You can also register on our website,, by logging in.

This year our generous State CIF Office has given a discount of $150 to the first 600 registered who are ADs, Assist. ADs, Assist. Principal ADs, and District ADs only.

Make sure to book your hotel reservations early.  Hotel information is on the registration form and on our website, The link to the hotel is below:

If you call the hotel, make sure you tell them that you are with the April 9 – April 13 CSADA Conference Group. The rate is $125.  The $45 resort fee has been waived.